
My Expertise

Solving problems

I design products that are more than pretty. I make them shippable and usable. Et tempor non mollit dolor et do aute voluptate ea ullamco.

What you can expect
  • Development Strategy
  • Game Development & Design
  • Front-end Development
I'm fluent in
  • Unity C#
  • Unreal Engine C++
  • Next JS

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Game Development & Design

Defining the problem, identifying the scope and finally, executing the development process.

  • Design Strategy
  • Game Design
  • Game Development

VR/AR Experience Development

Creating virtual and augmented reality experiences in both Unity and Unreal Engine on a top-notch production leve.

  • VR/AR Strategy
  • Experience Design/Level Design
  • VR/AR Development

Multiplayer Development

Creating multiplayer experiences in Unity with Unity Multiplayer Services and Photon Quantum server. By using Quantum, delay and latency is taken to the lowest point possible due to the newest backend technology and server setup.

  • Server Setup
  • Lobby and Multiplayer Development
  • Multiplayer Scaling

Front-End Development

Creting next-level websites using Next JS, tailwind.css, Prism and node.js. All the websites are created accordingly to the topic of a business/service, by the newest standards, modern design, and super responsiveness.

  • UI/UX Design
  • Front-End Development
  • Back-End Foundation